2024 Annual Symposium on Risks and Opportunities of AI in Pharmaceutical Medicine

Participant Bios




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Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Northeastern University

Madigan came to Northeastern from Columbia University, where he served as executive vice president for arts and sciences and dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In those roles, he oversaw five schools with 27 departments and some 50 research centers and institutes. He led successful initiatives to expand lifelong learning programs, and to make Columbia’s faculty and student body more diverse. Notably, he spearheaded a program to ensure that Columbia’s first-generation students would have the mentoring and support they needed to succeed in a highly demanding academic environment.

At Columbia and in his previous position as Rutgers University’s Dean of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Madigan developed new interdisciplinary learning and research collaborations, and forged industry partnerships to support student and faculty innovation. Under his leadership as department chair, Columbia’s statistics faculty ascended to the ranks of the nation’s top 10.

A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Madigan has long been a leading researcher at the intersection of Big Data with healthcare innovation. While serving on the statistics faculty at the University of Washington, he was a member of the world-renowned Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Madigan also brings a strong global perspective to Northeastern. A native of Ireland, he has led large-scale global collaborations involving academic and pharmaceutical company researchers and government regulators in the U.S. and Europe. Beyond the halls of academia, he has experience as an entrepreneur, innovation leader, researcher, and consultant, both in the U.S. and Ireland. He earned his BA and PhD from Trinity College Dublin.


Barda, MD, PhD

Head of the Real-World Evidence Research and Innovation Lab and the Chief Epidemiologist at the Sheba Pandemic Research Readiness Institute

Ma, PhD

AVP and the head of the Biometrics Research department at Merck Research Lab

Caffo, PhD

Professor at the Department of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University

Madhavan, PhD

Vice President & Head of AI/ML, Wuantitative & Digital Sciences, Global Biometrics & Data Management, Pfizer Inc.

Rajpurkar, PhD

Assistant Professor at Harvard University

Anthony Philippakis, MD, PhD

Chief data officer of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the co-director of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center

Marc Adam Suchard, PhD

Professor in the Departments of Biomathematics and of Human Genetics in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and in the Department of Biostatistics in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles

Lauren Elizabeth
Eyler Dang, MD, PhD, MPH

Statistician in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Biostatistics Research Branch

Poon, PhD

General Manager at Microsoft Health Futures

Wang, PhD

Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University

Reingold, PhD

Rajeev Motwani Professor of computer science at Stanford University and the director of the Simons Collaboration on the Theory of Algorithmic Fairness

Sontag, PhD

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT

Margaret Gamalo, PhD, FASA


Kiciman, PhD

Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft


Deputy Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDER, FDA

Wagner, PhD

Stanford University

Qingxia Cindy
Chen, PhD

Professor of Biostatistics, Biomedical Informatics, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Alex Zhavoronkoff

CEO, Insilico Medicine

Bingzhi Zhang


Tutorial Instructors

Fu, PhD

Associate Vice President and an Enterprise Lead for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Connected Care from Eli Lilly and Company


Harvard University



Zhao, PhD

